Saturday, October 19, 2024
1 - 4 PM THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELED. We apologize for the inconvenience!
“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”
Then, join Elohi at the Hive for a 3-hour sound alchemy experience that will focus on helping you release, purge, and transmute any energies in the way of a deeper embodiment of your Soul's divine light. In this installment of the Elevating Your Consciousness series, you will be joined by higher aspects of your being, along with the Elohim angels, archangels, ascended masters (Yeshua, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Anna), the Goddess Isis, and other galactic, angelic, and earthly messengers of light, as they weave together their energies to help you purify your body temple and activate and anchor more of your divine power and gifts.
Through several channeled transmissions that will include light language, sound, song, and spoken word, you will be guided on a sacred journey of transformation and illumination from the inside out. Through sacred sound alchemy and guidance from your Soul, you will have an opportunity to transcend and transmute the places of illusion and separation of your consciousness that may be stuck in other timelines and restore and reintegrate those aspects of your Soul's being and bring them into the present now, so more of your true divine essence and divine power and gifts can be present within you.
Elohi will channel her Sirian galactic guides (Ishtar) and other ascended beings of light to transmit vibrations and frequencies most needed for the group, creating a sacred temple of light that will help you elevate your consciousness to higher ground. She will play curated soundtracks along with crystal bowls and other instruments to create the sacred container for your multi-dimensional journey. There will be opportunities to journal and share in between the transmissions. Each participant will receive a powerful, eye-to-eye light language activation as part of this event. We hope you can join us on this sacred journey!
In addition to this phenomenal event, you will have the opportunity to procure Elohi’s artwork, oracle cards, and book!
There are limited seats for this in-person gathering. So, if you are interested, register today at the link below!
Investment: Early Bird $111 till 10/16th. After $133. The early-bird pricing is available through midnight on October 16!
What to Bring:
Water bottle to stay hydrated
Journal and pen
Cash, credit card, or Venmo are accepted if you would like to shop for any items (art, books, oracle deck)
Yoga equipment is available. If you want to be more comfortable on the floor, feel free to bring pillows and blankets. Chairs are available as well
Meet Elohi Magdalena Rosa
Elohi Magdalena Rosa, intuitive healer, trans-channel, voice alchemist, international bestselling author, and Soul artist is a sought-after spiritual mentor and transformational leader who channels powerful activations, delivers talks, and workshops that empower heart-centered leaders, creatives, healers, and lightworkers to unleash their Soul's genius and show up in the world as their most brilliant and authentic self.
Elohi is a bridge to the Soul and vessel for many ascended beings (Angelic, Galactic, and Earthly) that channel healing sounds, light language, and activations that work on the cellular level to bring forth healing, awakening, and evolution. She is a direct channel of the Elohim consciousness of creation—Source Love, Source Light. She is also a high priestess of Isis and the Rose lineage and an activator of the Christ Consciousness and divine mysteries of the sacred heart.
Elohi is the creator of the Unmasking Your Soul BlueprintTM, the international best-selling author of Unmasking Your Soul: A Transformational Journey of Truth, Light, and Healing, and a contributing author to EIPPY award-winning book: Pebbles in the Pond: Transforming One Person at a Time (Wave 4). She is the forthcoming author of Unmasking Your Soul: Activating the Divine Mysteries of the Sacred Heart. She is also the creator of the meditation compilation, Activating the Spiritual Warrior Within, Wisdom of the Soul Oracle, and a variety of energy and light-encoded Soul Art.
Pamela Jane Gerrand, Singer, Songwriter, Creative Muse & Earth Mother
"My heart is overflowing with gratitude. Your sound alchemy session held the presence of all the guardians, the angels, the ascended masters, the sisters of the rose…I was and am bathed in the grace of Divine Light and Divine Truth…and imbued with Divine Love. The breath of God, the sound of God…touched the core of my wounds, the depth of my pain, the place where the separation created the wall, the masks…you sent the vibrations of pure love and compassion into every molecule and cell of my being. I am so very grateful."
Ed Roebuck, Healer & Mentor
"With a presence of humility, integrity, and honoring, Elohi (Anümani) shares her knowledge and wisdom as she guides us through a profound journey of knowing/remembering and connecting to the Divine Self—mind, heart, body, and soul."
Linda Roebuck, MA, Healer, Author & Mentor
"A multi-dimensional experience with a cosmic guide in sacred space. I lost my mind for a while traveling deep into inner space transported by Elohi's enchanting voice, enhanced by her creative talents, and supported by her authentic Presence. I returned from the inner realm to the outer world with a renewed sense of purpose, hope, and balance (body, mind, and spirit). I left the workshop with Elohi feeling heard, validated, honored, inspired, grounded, and grateful. Words to describe Elohi: Beauty, Truth, Wisdom, Authenticity, and Pure Presence.
Susan Savage-Stevens, PhD, Shamanic Practitioner & Spiritual Astrologer
"It is said that the Angel of Forgetfulness presses a finger between our nose and lips as we enter into this world, creating the folds there so that we forget. We forget who we are. We forget where we come from. We forget why we are here. And we forget that we are Love…until now. When we immerse ourselves in Elohi’s sound alchemy transmissions, we experience an inspiring gift of divine grace. The finger of forgetfulness is lifted from above our lips, and we begin to remember. We remember other lives and other places. We remember our Souls singing in languages of light. We remember union with all beings and begin to connect with all anew. But most of all, we remember and experience our calling to be vessels of Love. For that is who we are, that is what we are, and that is where we come from…Love. Simply, Love."