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  • Bee Present Wellness 309 3rd St New Cumberland, PA, 17070 USA (map)


Honoring the Dark Night: A Solstice Dream Circle
MOON SIGN: Cancer (Water Element)

“Without Darkness, there are no Dreams.” -Karla Kuban

Under tonight’s Full Moon, the watery and dreamy Cancer encourages us to explore our unconscious, intuitive nature. However, to see these deeper parts of ourselves, we often need darkness and quiet to be able to hear and see our inner knowing. One way our unconscious mind can communicate with us is through our dream world. As we approach the darkest night of the year on the Winter Solstice, we will explore the gift the darkness brings: our dreams. We will talk about the importance of stillness, rest and quiet, especially to be able to hear the voice of our own inner wisdom and realize our dreams.

If you like, please bring a dream or two to share with the group. These can be an actual dream you had during sleep, or if you can’t remember your dreams, bring a dream of something you’re wishing for in your life.

There is something extremely soothing about gathering as women of all ages, educational, economical, and cultural backgrounds. As women no matter where we are from we have the same essence and passion to share our hearts, to interweave our interests and discoveries. We hone tremendous reservoirs of creativity. The secret to it all is in our bellies, our sacred vessels.

Are you feeling the need to embrace a safe container for sisterhood? Are you feeling the need to gather with other women to see and to be seen? to listen deeply and fell that you are being deeply listened to? To allow your inner sanctity to blossom in a circle setting?

General Flow of the Gathering:
1. Welcome & Settling
2. Introductions
3. Cacao Ceremony (tea or alternate available)
4. Embodiment Practice that Corresponds to Lunar Phase
5. Story-telling and Sharing
6. Closing

Note: The Moon Circle is a sanctuary where all are welcome to show up in their authenticity, share as much or as little as they desire without fear of shame or judgment. All that is shared is kept in sacred confidentiality within those in attendance and will not be shared outside the circle without permission. All of you is welcome, as you are, and that is more than enough.

What to bring:

  • Yoga mat

  • Blanket and floor cushion

  • Mug

  • Sacred objects for the Group Altar to be charged

  • Plus anything else you may need to set comfortably on the floor for the duration of the gathering. (We also have chairs available)

Investment: $25

This circle is open to women of all ages and experiences - babes in arms welcome.

Meet Jenny
Jenny Rivers is a bodyworker, energyworker, menstrual doula and yoga teacher specializing in womb yoga therapy. She is passionate about educating on our cyclical nature as humans, and the importance of community, especially for women’s health and well-being. In addition to one-on-one and group mentoring for women to connect more deeply with their menstrual cycles, she facilitates Celebration Day for Girls™ workshops for 10-12 year olds as they approach the significant rite of passage into adolescence.

Earlier Event: December 17
Full Moon Yoga Nidra
Later Event: December 22
Online Stress Management Yoga