Saturday June 2, 2018
2 - 3:15 PM
Location: Lakshmi Studio, 310 Bridge St. New Cumberland
No life vest needed as you learn to navigate your own emotional waters! Be empowered with energetic and practical tools and resources that can lead you to greater freedom from emotional eating. We will touch on physical, energetic, emotional, and environmental factors that can contribute to eating un-mindfully. Then we will explore techniques that you can use to empower yourself to stay balanced despite these factors. This safe space will allow you to release self-judgment, embrace your true needs, and begin a journey into a greater sense of ease around how you approach food.
Investment: Love offering. Please register at the link to save your spot!
Meet Audrey
Like you, energy student and nutrition enthusiast, Audrey Maddox has tried various ways of having a healthier relationship to food. How does she stop turning to food for comfort? Why is it so hard to control and be around certain foods? Thanks to a certificate in holistic nutrition and three years of energetic training including 2 different nine month Beehive Mystery Schools, assisting two cycles as a Beehive Teacher Trainee, a 25 case study Beehive Apprenticeship, and all three levels of Shamanic Reiki trainings Audrey offers physical, energetic, and emotional resources to assist you in recreating your relationship to food and eating. She offers multiple and varied approaches that you can apply to your life. Audrey has a huge heart and you will feel the love weaved with skills that may help you to embrace a whole New You!